Month: January 2011

  • One of my best-beloved poems!

    Hold My Hand

    By Charlotte Zolotow


    Dark Dark Dark

    Black clouds and the wind sighs.

    We walk together, you and I,

    and it’s gray and black

    and the wind sighs.


    How cold it is!

    Oh, hold my hand.


    The wind stops.

    Everything is still.

    There is only the cold

    cold cold cold

    Oh, hold my hand.


    I look at you

    and suddenly the air

    is full of snow


    The snowflakes cling

    like bits of ice

    to our mittens.



    The dried grass is tipped with white.

    Everything is light and cold.


    We walk together 

    through the snow.


    It’s on your hat.

    It’s in your hair.

    It’s on your scarf.

    Your cheeks are red.


    But oh, it’s cold

    white and bright and cold.

    Oh,  hold my hand!